Texas King


“When you hear us, I want you to know it’s gonna be a crazy night,” Texas King frontman Jordan Macdonald grins. “We’re the good times boys. Leave your troubles at the door, because you’re not gonna be able to hold them with those two beers in each hand.”

The soundtrack to your favorite memories, Texas King have put 250,000 miles into their van over the past decade – touring all over North America alongside acts like Big Wreck, Last Dinosaurs, and The Glorious Sons – and there’s thousands more miles to go. Best known for their high energy live show, the rock n’ roll band from London, Ontario were influenced early on by Kings of Leon and The Black Keys. Since 2013, they’ve been cutting their teeth on the road and in the studio, so far releasing one album and two EPs that capture the show-
stopping passion they’ve brought to stages that include Vancouver’s Ambleside Festival, Ontario’s ParkJam and Hillside Festivals, and Québec’s Festival D’ete!

Texas King’s third EP is their biggest and boldest record yet, capturing a world of warmth and wonder in five heartfelt, honest alt-rock outpourings. It’s a story of reckoning and redemption, nostalgia and hope that sees Texas King’s Jordan Macdonald, Melvin Murray, and Phil Spina following up from where 2021’s Changes EP left off: “I did make some changes, and I thought it was smooth sailing,” Macdonald says. ““But that’s the thing about change – one moment you’re fine, the next you’re not: The waters got rough, and the boat has capsized.””
In-your-face singalongs and heavy-hearted power ballads reflect the heat, the urgency, and the desperation of the moment – yet through thick and thin, Texas King shine with the strength and resilience of a band that will play anywhere, at any time, and for anyone who wants to listen. Give Texas King’s music a spin, or even better, catch them at a show.


On Tour